The BSc (Hons) Enhanced Mental Health Nursing (Top up) comprises five modules at level 6.
• Service User Led Assessment, Care Planning and Recovery – 20 credits
• Early Intervention to Optimise Mental Health and Wellbeing – 20 credits
• Core Psychological Approaches and Counselling Skills for Mental Health Nurses – 20 credits
• Delivering Complex Care – 20 credits
• Dissertation – 40 credits
Course Assessment
A variety of assessments will be used on the course to enable students to experience and adapt to different assessment styles. The assessment methods used will be appropriate to assess each module’s intended learning outcomes. Assessment on the course overall will be approximately 100% coursework (including essays, reports, video logs, presentations, group work, reflective learning journals and research projects).
Special Features
For the successful completion of the BSc (Hons) Enhanced Mental Health Nursing (Top Up), students will be expected to undertake approximately 50 hours of directed study and should be prepared to undertake 150 hours of independent study per module but should be prepared for weekly workload to vary based on assignment deadlines and directed exercises. This course is delivered in partnership with Rushmore Business School.
Course Team
The academic staff delivering this course are drawn from a team that includes teaching specialists and current practitioners. All staff are qualified in their subjects with their own specialist knowledge to contribute.
Completion of the course does not provide automatic registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), UK.
University of Suffolk (UK)
Payment plan per semester (One year, Two semesters)
To pay 50% of the annual tuition fee per semester, before the start of the course.
Payment plan for full annual payment
To pay full annual payment including 5% discount, before the start of the course.