The ACCA (Association of Certified Chartered Accountants) is globally recognised for its
certification which equates to excellence in the accountancy field.
24 weeks
School Certificate
OR O-levels with Mathematics & Physics
OR Any equivalent qualification
Mauritian: Rs 99,000 per part
International: USD 3,600 per part
Aircraft operators and maintenance companies have identified an emerging need for additional qualified maintenance staff to meet future needs. Current demographics identify an ageing workforce and insufficient ‘new starts’. It is therefore imperative that aircraft engineers are trained today to meet future demands of the airline industry. The aim of this flexible modular course is to offer training to meet the theoretical knowledge requirements together with relevant practical experience to become eligible for the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Part 66 Aircraft Maintenance Licence. This professional licence to practice confers upon its holder the privilege to certify the fitness for service of an aircraft. The course can be studied as a complete full-time programme lasting 24 weeks or as an individual module, with each module lasting from 5 days (1 week) upwards to 6 weeks. The modules for this programme are grouped into 3 parts lasting between 6 to 12 weeks.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the full modular course, learners will have achieved the theoretical knowledge for basic aircraft maintenance. They will be able to:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
The course is also offered on a part time basis to suit applicants who are currently in employment either during evenings, week-ends or day release.
The course can also be offered in-house if required by the employer.
The course will run only on a full-time basis for international students
Candidates will have to meet the full experience requirements, as stated in the EASA IR Part 66 in order to be eligible to apply for the license.
This course is offered in collaboration with Air Service Training (UK).
AST is approved and certified UKCAA Approval Number: UK.147.0002 and EASA Approval Number EASA.174.0174.
This course is also MQA approved.
Payment plan not applicable.
The ACCA (Association of Certified Chartered Accountants) is globally recognised for its
certification which equates to excellence in the accountancy field.
The MSc Advanced Clinical Practice is designed to facilitate the development of knowledge and skills related to advanced clinical practice related to the care of adults, children and families.
SEMBA programme is a general management programme designed for those in, or aspiring to, senior management positions or those looking for conversion from specialist fields to that of general management.